What are examples of biologic drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis? (Dansk)


xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>FDA: “FDA approves Inflectra, a biosimilar to Remicade,” “FDA approves Amjevita, a biosimilar to Humira.”

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center: “Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment.”

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: “Questions and Answers About Hip Replacement,” “Handout on Health: Rheumatoid Arthritis.,”

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>Seth Mark Berney, MD, professor, department of medicine, direktør, Center of Excellence for Gigt og Reumatologi, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport.

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>Smolen J. Annals of Reumatiske Sygdomme, 2010.

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>Theodore Pincus, MD, klinisk professor i medicin, Division of Rheumatology, New York University School of Medicine, New York.,

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>Thomas Hardin, vice president for forskning, Arthritis Foundation.

xmlns:xalan=”https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>UpToDate: “Vurdering af reumatoid arthritis aktivitet i kliniske forsøg og kliniske praksis”, “Kliniske funktioner på reumatoid arthritis,” “Generelle principper for ledelse af reumatoid arthritis,” “Patient information: sygdomsmodificerende antireumatiske lægemidler (Dmard),””Oversigt af biologiske agenser og kinase-hæmmere i reumatiske sygdomme.”

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