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Perché gli angoli di un triangolo aggiungere a 180 gradi?

Date: 4/17/96 at 19:16:32From: AnonymousSubject: Geometry, angles in a triangleHi! We were wondering why all the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees. Several of us are trying to prove Mr. Smith wrong and draw a triangle differently!Thank you.
Date: 5/3/96 at 15:14:41From: Doctor StevenSubject: Re: Geometry, angles in a triangleHave you ever tried drawing a triangle on a sphere? I think you will then find the angles add up to more than 180 degrees.For your problem, though, I think he wants triangles on a flat surface.To see why the sum of the degrees of the angles on a triangle add to 180 look at a rectangle. It has four angles each of 90 degrees. So the sum of its angles is 360 degrees.Draw the diagonal of this rectangle and you will split the rectangle into two triangles. Add up all the angles of the triangles and you should get 360 degrees since the rectangle had 360 degrees (and we didn"t expand the rectangle or anything). Your triangles are exactly alike, so they must have the same angles in them. Call the upper triangle T1 and the lower triangle T2. Then: sum of angles in T1 = sum of angles in T2. sum of angles in T1 + sum of angles in T2 = 360.The only possible solution is that sum of angles of T1 = sum of angles of T2 = 180 degrees.Note that you can create any right triangle just by changing the lengths of the sides of the rectangle.To see this for other types of triangles, try using a rhombus or a trapezoid.Hope this helps.-Doctor Steven, The Math Forum 

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