

abaixo são mapas que mostram territórios tradicionais ou limites de reserva.

Handbook of North American Indians. V. 7: Northwest Coast Edited by Wayne Suttles. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1990.

Southern Coast Salish Territories

“Plateau: Key to Tribal Territories”
Handbook of North American Indians. V. 12: Plateau
Edited by Deward W. Walker, Jr. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1998.,

lateau: Key to Tribal Territories

“The Nez Perce Homeland and Their Neighbors”
Nez Perce Coyote Tales: The Myth Cycle.
By Deward W. Walker, Jr. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998, p. 6.

The Myth Cycle

Northwest portion of ” Map showing Indian Reservations within the limits of the United States compiled under the direction of the Hon.T. J. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
= = ligações externas = = 11º censo. 1890, V. 10 segue a página 34 do Censo de 1890.,

Reservas indígenas no Noroeste

Contemporânea Reservas indígenas da Costa Noroeste e Planalto Grupos Culturais

Contemporânea Reservas

Sudeste Nativo do Alasca Territórios

Sudeste Nativo do Alasca Territórios

Os seguintes mapas foram digitalizados a partir de 1879, o volume dos EUA, Escritório de Assuntos indígenas.,he Secretary of the Interior:

Grand Ronde Reserve, Oregon

Lummi Reserve/Swinomish Reserve

Nisqually Agency; Nisqually and Chehalis Reserves

Puyallup Reserve/Muckleshoot Reserve

Shoalwater Reserve

Siletz Reserve, Oregon

Skokomish Reserve/Squaxin Island Reserve

Tulalip Reserve/Port Madison Reserve

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