

hieronder zijn kaarten met traditionele gebieden of reservaatgrenzen.

Handbook of North American Indians. V. 7: Northwest Coast, uitgegeven door Wayne Suttles. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1990.

Southern Coast Salish Territories

“Plateau: Key to Tribal Territories”
Handbook of North American Indians. V. 12: Plateau Edited by Deward W. Walker, Jr.Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1998.,

Plateau: Key to Tribal Territories

“The Nez Perce Homeland and Their Neighbors”
Nez Perce Coyote Tales: The Myth Cycle.door Deward W. Walker, Jr. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998, p. 6.

The Myth Cycle

Northwest portion of ” Map showing Indian Reservations within the limits of the United States compiled under the direction of the Hon.T. J. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.”U. S. Census Office. 11e volkstelling. 1890, V. 10 volgt pagina 34, 1890 volkstelling.,

Indian Reservations in the Northwest

Contemporary Indian Reservations of Northwest Coast and Plateau Cultural Groups

Contemporary Reservations

Southeast Alaska Native Territories

Southeast Alaska Native Territories

de volgende kaarten werden gescand uit het volume van 1879 van het Amerikaanse Office of Indian Affairs.,he Secretary of the Interior:

Grand Ronde Reserve, Oregon

Lummi Reserve/Swinomish Reserve

Nisqually Agency; Nisqually and Chehalis Reserves

Puyallup Reserve/Muckleshoot Reserve

Shoalwater Reserve

Siletz Reserve, Oregon

Skokomish Reserve/Squaxin Island Reserve

Tulalip Reserve/Port Madison Reserve

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